Wednesday, June 20, 2007

we have arrived

we drove our arses off, but we are here. we showed up a day early and surprised my mom. she was very happy to see us and see we were well.

we spent the last two nights in motels and that made things a little easier. we we're smote a few more times after leaving winnipeg. i think god does not like us or something. it rained on and off most of our last three days driving. which is why we decided to pull over at a motel outside thunder bay on sunday night. the place was kind of crusty, but it was cheap.

we got up and going first thing on monday morning and drove for about 12 hours. my back waqs frigging killing me. but we figured if we could keep going then we should. and i'm really glad we did because it is the only reason we were anble to get in a day early.

besides the other-worldly rain, there was not oo much exciting about the last part of our trip (besides getting here.) no animal sightings.

so for now we are cleaning and getting organized. we took a bunch of crap from the basement to the dump today to make room for our stuff (which is coming on friday - yeah!) and now we're working our way though some boxes and piling other ones out of the way.

tonight all my bothers and sisters and their others and kid are coming over for dinner to welcome us home. i'm really looking forward to meeting my neice emily.


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