Friday, June 20, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

gone, baby, gone

so danna departed our company on thursday. it was sad to see her go but we had a very nice visit while she was here and it was good to spend a couple of days alone with danny. i seriously don't remember the last time i had time off work when i wasn't flying half way across the country to visit family or see the world. it was very nice and relaxing. i don't know if it was that or just time, but i'm feeling a bit better physically as well. for now the migraines have died down a bit and i've got a bit more energy. i'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts and hope its for a while.

paula lookin sexy

grandma holding baby grace

goofy danny...

cobb camping 2008

first lawn mowing at the new house

hangin out

danna about to head home