Friday, July 27, 2007

i was lost but now am found

hello all.
things have been very hectic here.
after tim's stag & doe danny and i went to housesit for my aunt and uncle for a week. which was nice, but it turned out that my mom was out of town for that week as well - so we had a total of two houses and four cats to look after. it was fun but busy.
then we came home and this week i've been doing some painting for my brother. he is a contractor and needed an extra set of hands. as it turns out i have some. i'm not sure how much help i am but he is keeping me busy. i seriously have no idea how he does it. so if any of you out there feel i might be ignoring your calls - the simple truth is that i have not had time. it had been a rude awakening thats for sure. on how hard the work is and how houses are built. it really is crazy. the work-sire is a total shithole. sometimes literally. i guess one time there was an incident where one of the workers actually pooped in the heating duct of a place they were building. very nice eh? but also there are no women. i feel like i'm a pink elephant in the room. everyone notices me. but no one says anything to or about me.
love you long time.

Monday, July 16, 2007

A Very Busy Weekend

Saturday was my little brother's Stag and Doe (otherwise known as socials for the Manitobans out there). It was a lot of work and a lot of fun. I got to see a lot of the family that i haven't seen since i got back.
It was a big pig roast and everyone brought something and we had an auction. We hired a real auctioneer ( us that he would do it for free, which was amazing. There were lots of games and everyone was very generous. The happy couple pulled in almost $6000 and there are still a few things coming in. I don't think I've ever heard of someone making that much. There are some really funny pictures of Tim and Jen with the money that I'll post here if i can get my hands on them.
Timmy got a wee bit drunk (never!) and started telling everyone just how much he loves them. It was lovely to be there.

I was really nervous leaving Whitehorse that i would get here and realize that we made the wrong decision. But its really not the case. These last few weeks have been hard in a lot of ways. But even with that there is still no question in my mind that we did the right thing coming back. We are both really happy here. Danny and I walked to Tim's house yesterday (my sister and cousin live in his basement apartment) and a bunch of us sat around playing Apples to Apples (thank you julia - its a big hit) and shooting the shit. And i realize that i wouldn't trade those moments for anything. Even if Tim is smelly. And talks about pooping way oo much.

Monday, July 9, 2007

yippie ki yay mother f@!#$&

i love bruce willis. i really do. and i have to thank my sister for years of loving willy and passing it on to me.

we went to see live free or die hard yesterday. and i have to say that it was really good. i was a little surprised at its goodness. they even managed to keep the typical us flag-waving bullsit to a minimum. and they took a crack at george w. yeah for them.

we also went to see transformers. (it was a very productive day, i know!) it was still good, but not great. there were a few moments i wanted to throw things at the screen. but overall i liked it.

in other news - i actually got up and went running this morning. my plan was to turn over a new leaf when i got here and get back into it. but at first i was thwarted by having left my runners in winnipeg. then danny's mom very kindly sent them too me. but apparently the problem was not that i did not have shoes. the problem is that i am lazy.


Saturday, July 7, 2007

ok, so i have been lazy

i admit that i have a problem. it is this. i am looking for a job and that is all well and good, but i feel like if i do anything but look for a job that i am a lazy bastard. so i have been doing a few hours of job searching every day. adn then i do nothing. very productive, i know. but i am trying to get over it.

let me see what i have been up to. danny's sister, danna, came for a visit on her way home from europe. that was a lot of fun and it was really good to see her. i have also been assured that she got into absolutely no trouble on her travels at all. which i believe whole-heartedly.

she and danny have a cousin who lives in waterloo so while danna was here we went for a visit. we got very, very lost and for once it was not my fault. yeah me.

i am adjusting to life quite well in the south. i thought i would hate the hot weather. but it turns out that i love it quite a lot. i encourage you all to come visit (if you do not already live here). and after the drive across the country i'm not even really freaking out about how much busier it is here than in whitehorse.

i also love that my family just stops by. my younger brother came over yesterday afternoon after he was done work for the day. we just sat on the porch and shot the shit. i love it. its is such a small thing, but it makes me so happy.