Thursday, September 6, 2007

hello world

ive been totally going stir crazy. there have been no job postings this week worth applying for (and i'm not very picky at the moment so that says a lot). so instead i've been sketching out. it hasn't been pretty. i just hate sitting still. so today i dyed my hair. its still not dry so i'm not sure how i feel about it yet. i went kind of red/oragne. but hopefully in a nice "hire me i'm crazy/sexy/cool" kind of way not a "i want to be 16 and rebel against the world again" kind of way. we'll see how that goes. i plan to fill the rest of my day with a trip to the second chance employment office (yeah!) and a trip to the grandparents for dinner. maybe i'll bring dessert. we'll see if i have time in my busy schedule to make/buy something fabulous.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

dont throw a mental

so yesterday was the big 3-0! it was actually a very nice birthday. i got to celebrate with everyone in person which was very lovely. i went out for lunch with my mom (and them ice cream because it just fills in the cracks.) i spent the afternoon with danny and the girls through a fabulous but scary 80s themed party(i still have the jelly braclets on to prove it and i dont think my hair will ever be the same again). what more could a girl ask for? oh. i know. watching the greatest 80s movie ever (Girls just want to have fun - for those of you not blessed enough to know what i speak of) in our own personal backyard theatre. did i mention there was a hot tub in the yard? we didnt watch the movie and tub at one, mind you, but now that i think about it that is... no, just a very bad idea. i can imagine everyone dehydrated abd passing out in the water. people dying does not make for a fun birthday. it just cant.
and on top of all that at one point a deer randomly wandered through the yard. apparently not properly scared off by all the cracy people dressed like lunatics.