Saturday, December 8, 2007

I don't get it either - but here we go

I got tagged by my friend Jillian who is a freak and hates balloons and frogs and picks up frozen dog poop with her bare hands. Now, apparently, I have to list seven random things about myself.

1. I have seen Dr. Hook live in concert and I loved it. I was worried he was going to die on stage but he didn't. It would have made a better story if he had though.

2. I once gave my brother a big black jelly dong for his birthday. He liked it.

3. There is a correct way and an incorrect way to put the toilet paper on. It should be under, not over. Sometimes if i go to a place that has it the wrong way - i change it. This includes other peoples homes.

4. I had something written here. But i erased it. It was a really good one (really good). But i feel that some of Danny's friends and family should really get to know me better first. Its killing you inside - isn't it?

5. When i was in grade one i told my teacher that my mom thought she was a bitch. But it was only because my mom did think she was a bitch.

6. I pop my husband's head zits and i like it. If you have zits that need popping - i'll do them too. Unless you're gross (Jillian!)

7. I have a small obsession with leg warmers. I had some when i was a kid and my mom got rid of them when i was at school one day. I have never forgiven her. I often wear them under my pants in the winter. I have found that they are practical and warm as well as making me feel special.

can you picture it?

Friday, December 7, 2007

holy crap

its been so long since i updated that i forgot my own password. i usually rely on the computer to remember it for me but today it told me to screw off. seriously.

there have been many big things going on here. i got a job. that means that i dont want to kill myself most of the time now. Yeah! i was having some serious issues for a while there. i have to say that being out of work sucks giant arseholes.

work is going good. its a little too slow for me sometimes, but i have a feeling once i get a little more into the swing of things and don't need quite as much direction things will pick up. and i like my boss. she is totally blunt and i think some people wpold find it hard to work for her but i have no problem with it. she says if what you've done is great and she says if its crap. but if its crap she just tells you how to fix it and off you go.

danny and i have been shopping around for a mortgage. which is very cool and totally freaky. i really can't wait and i don't want to do it all at once. but i think the cant wait side will win out in the end. or at least i hope it will.

we've been spending a lot of time with the family - which is really great. we often get together at someones house on the weekend and make a big breakfast. and danny is a lot more comfortable now. not that my family would ever make him feel uncomfortable, but i think he really feels at home now. he makes plans with my family without me and i think its really great. i'm so happy everyone kind of clicks.

we are off to winnipeg on the 23rd for a whirlwind visit. we are there for about 2 and a half days and i'm really looking forward to it. we come home on the 26th to do christmas with my mom's family.

danny's sister is talking about coming to visit us on her march break - which has us all excited. and danny could barely contain himself when he found out danny's mom and sister are thinking of coming here next christmas. its good to know we sill be seeing a lot of them.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

my feet hurt

things have been totally hectic around here. i had two job interviews last week. one at the kitchener pennysaver (how the mighty have fallen) which seems like a scary, frightening, desperate place to work. and seeing the place didn't change that opinion for me. i think they lock people in the back.
the other is an admin asst job - which is a total change of pace but the workplace seems great and i really liked the owner/boss. so as long as my blather-on style of interview impresses her it'll be all good.

Monday, October 1, 2007

something is running, and its snot my feet

i'll give you a hint. its my nose.

its been a very bust few weeks. my wee little timmy got married. it was lovely and very nice. jennifer's family is really great and fed us lots of good food. yeah for italians! i think paula should marry one too.
but now i have been struck down with the ebola virus, which i find very rude.
oh! and i almost forgot the biggest news of my week last week - i got my own bed back! since we've been here danny and i have been sleeping on my mom's spare. but last week our special order two piece box spring (a regular one wont fit up my mom's stairs) came in and mom and danny set it up while i was off visiting my aunt teresa on her birthday. also we got a super good deal on it because my uncle works at home hardware (big shout out to betty and rob!) also betty was helping bring the thing in the house and fell down the stairs and hit her head on a rock. it did not look pretty and apparently she has quite the bruised up body. so i'm sure they make quite the pair right now (rob managed to break his leg at timmy's batchelor party... my uncle john called him a pussy - got to love family!)
peace out

Thursday, September 6, 2007

hello world

ive been totally going stir crazy. there have been no job postings this week worth applying for (and i'm not very picky at the moment so that says a lot). so instead i've been sketching out. it hasn't been pretty. i just hate sitting still. so today i dyed my hair. its still not dry so i'm not sure how i feel about it yet. i went kind of red/oragne. but hopefully in a nice "hire me i'm crazy/sexy/cool" kind of way not a "i want to be 16 and rebel against the world again" kind of way. we'll see how that goes. i plan to fill the rest of my day with a trip to the second chance employment office (yeah!) and a trip to the grandparents for dinner. maybe i'll bring dessert. we'll see if i have time in my busy schedule to make/buy something fabulous.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

dont throw a mental

so yesterday was the big 3-0! it was actually a very nice birthday. i got to celebrate with everyone in person which was very lovely. i went out for lunch with my mom (and them ice cream because it just fills in the cracks.) i spent the afternoon with danny and the girls through a fabulous but scary 80s themed party(i still have the jelly braclets on to prove it and i dont think my hair will ever be the same again). what more could a girl ask for? oh. i know. watching the greatest 80s movie ever (Girls just want to have fun - for those of you not blessed enough to know what i speak of) in our own personal backyard theatre. did i mention there was a hot tub in the yard? we didnt watch the movie and tub at one, mind you, but now that i think about it that is... no, just a very bad idea. i can imagine everyone dehydrated abd passing out in the water. people dying does not make for a fun birthday. it just cant.
and on top of all that at one point a deer randomly wandered through the yard. apparently not properly scared off by all the cracy people dressed like lunatics.

Friday, August 10, 2007

i smell funny.

no, seriously. i do. i forgot to put deodorant on this morning.

i'm not really going anywhere with that. just thought you'd all like to know.

so my mom got hitched on sunday. it was very nice. relaxed. a lot of work, though. but we were rewarded with the house to ourselves for a week and a half. which we were really looking forward to. but we haven't seen much of eachother.

on tuesday we babysat my niece, emily. very cute. i thought there might be distress because her mom was going to be gone when she woke up from her nap. but everything was good. she loves me. we had a good time. too bad she only really makes two noises right now. and they all seem to mean different things. hopefully she'll get that sorted out in a little bit of time.

wednesday i went to work in orangeville. it was retarded. the woman i was working with this week was totally unorganized. and easily flustered. and nothing was her fault. i wanted to punch her in the head. but i restrained myself. it was very hard. i was there until after 8 p.m. and it was rediculous. and with EI its stupid. because you can only make so much on top of your EI, once you go over $100 a week, the rest comes out of EI. so i knew the overtime wasn't even worth anything. because even though i got paid for it - i just get less EI. which didn't help my frustration at wanting to punch this lady.

Friday, July 27, 2007

i was lost but now am found

hello all.
things have been very hectic here.
after tim's stag & doe danny and i went to housesit for my aunt and uncle for a week. which was nice, but it turned out that my mom was out of town for that week as well - so we had a total of two houses and four cats to look after. it was fun but busy.
then we came home and this week i've been doing some painting for my brother. he is a contractor and needed an extra set of hands. as it turns out i have some. i'm not sure how much help i am but he is keeping me busy. i seriously have no idea how he does it. so if any of you out there feel i might be ignoring your calls - the simple truth is that i have not had time. it had been a rude awakening thats for sure. on how hard the work is and how houses are built. it really is crazy. the work-sire is a total shithole. sometimes literally. i guess one time there was an incident where one of the workers actually pooped in the heating duct of a place they were building. very nice eh? but also there are no women. i feel like i'm a pink elephant in the room. everyone notices me. but no one says anything to or about me.
love you long time.

Monday, July 16, 2007

A Very Busy Weekend

Saturday was my little brother's Stag and Doe (otherwise known as socials for the Manitobans out there). It was a lot of work and a lot of fun. I got to see a lot of the family that i haven't seen since i got back.
It was a big pig roast and everyone brought something and we had an auction. We hired a real auctioneer ( us that he would do it for free, which was amazing. There were lots of games and everyone was very generous. The happy couple pulled in almost $6000 and there are still a few things coming in. I don't think I've ever heard of someone making that much. There are some really funny pictures of Tim and Jen with the money that I'll post here if i can get my hands on them.
Timmy got a wee bit drunk (never!) and started telling everyone just how much he loves them. It was lovely to be there.

I was really nervous leaving Whitehorse that i would get here and realize that we made the wrong decision. But its really not the case. These last few weeks have been hard in a lot of ways. But even with that there is still no question in my mind that we did the right thing coming back. We are both really happy here. Danny and I walked to Tim's house yesterday (my sister and cousin live in his basement apartment) and a bunch of us sat around playing Apples to Apples (thank you julia - its a big hit) and shooting the shit. And i realize that i wouldn't trade those moments for anything. Even if Tim is smelly. And talks about pooping way oo much.

Monday, July 9, 2007

yippie ki yay mother f@!#$&

i love bruce willis. i really do. and i have to thank my sister for years of loving willy and passing it on to me.

we went to see live free or die hard yesterday. and i have to say that it was really good. i was a little surprised at its goodness. they even managed to keep the typical us flag-waving bullsit to a minimum. and they took a crack at george w. yeah for them.

we also went to see transformers. (it was a very productive day, i know!) it was still good, but not great. there were a few moments i wanted to throw things at the screen. but overall i liked it.

in other news - i actually got up and went running this morning. my plan was to turn over a new leaf when i got here and get back into it. but at first i was thwarted by having left my runners in winnipeg. then danny's mom very kindly sent them too me. but apparently the problem was not that i did not have shoes. the problem is that i am lazy.


Saturday, July 7, 2007

ok, so i have been lazy

i admit that i have a problem. it is this. i am looking for a job and that is all well and good, but i feel like if i do anything but look for a job that i am a lazy bastard. so i have been doing a few hours of job searching every day. adn then i do nothing. very productive, i know. but i am trying to get over it.

let me see what i have been up to. danny's sister, danna, came for a visit on her way home from europe. that was a lot of fun and it was really good to see her. i have also been assured that she got into absolutely no trouble on her travels at all. which i believe whole-heartedly.

she and danny have a cousin who lives in waterloo so while danna was here we went for a visit. we got very, very lost and for once it was not my fault. yeah me.

i am adjusting to life quite well in the south. i thought i would hate the hot weather. but it turns out that i love it quite a lot. i encourage you all to come visit (if you do not already live here). and after the drive across the country i'm not even really freaking out about how much busier it is here than in whitehorse.

i also love that my family just stops by. my younger brother came over yesterday afternoon after he was done work for the day. we just sat on the porch and shot the shit. i love it. its is such a small thing, but it makes me so happy.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ahhhh the Guelph life!

Hey Everyone,

Danny here. So I'd like to start off by saying that Whitehorse has almost killed me .....sort of. While I was in Whitehorse the temperature never rose much above 23C. Except for my first week there. However here in Guelph the temperature has been like 34C for the whole time we've been here and there's this thing called a humidex (who knew?) which is like a wind chill warning except that instead of being colder it's hotter. And it's gotten to like 47C with the humidex. Which means even when you're sitting in the shade doing nothing you're sweating ALOT! Anyways last night Elly (Kelly's mom) brought home an air conditioner from her sister Mary for our bedroom. THANK YOU SO MUCH ELLY AND MARY! It was the best sleep I'd had since before we left Whitehorse!
So I have started work and it's going well. Other than the fact that it's like 58C in the building at some points I'm surviving. However I do complain a little. Okay a lot!
Not much else to report so I'll talk to you all at some point!


Saturday, June 23, 2007

settling in

hello all.

it has been a busy few days. all of our stuff is here and most of it arrived in reasonably good condition. yeah! it was in bits and pieces, because apparently movers take everything apart. but they helped us (danny) put the hard stuff back together before they left. so that was good. also the guy who delivered it said that one of the guys who helped him load the truck bought a candy from my candy machine. so lets hope he lives, because those are in seriously need of replacement.

today was my mom's wedding shower. it was very nice, a lot of fun. a whole wack of the family showed up. it was really nice to see everyone and i didn't freak out at all. yeah me!

so danny starts work on monday. he went in today for an orientation and found out that the woman he thought was the head manager is really just a first assistant. there is no head manager. and the first assistant goes on mat leave in a month. so theres a chance he could be running the place. which would be very cool for him. nothing is for sure, but we will see.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

we have arrived

we drove our arses off, but we are here. we showed up a day early and surprised my mom. she was very happy to see us and see we were well.

we spent the last two nights in motels and that made things a little easier. we we're smote a few more times after leaving winnipeg. i think god does not like us or something. it rained on and off most of our last three days driving. which is why we decided to pull over at a motel outside thunder bay on sunday night. the place was kind of crusty, but it was cheap.

we got up and going first thing on monday morning and drove for about 12 hours. my back waqs frigging killing me. but we figured if we could keep going then we should. and i'm really glad we did because it is the only reason we were anble to get in a day early.

besides the other-worldly rain, there was not oo much exciting about the last part of our trip (besides getting here.) no animal sightings.

so for now we are cleaning and getting organized. we took a bunch of crap from the basement to the dump today to make room for our stuff (which is coming on friday - yeah!) and now we're working our way though some boxes and piling other ones out of the way.

tonight all my bothers and sisters and their others and kid are coming over for dinner to welcome us home. i'm really looking forward to meeting my neice emily.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

leaving winnipeg

so we're off. again.

it was a good week and we got in a bit of visiting. we went to blaine's wedding and it was really nice. but it will be good to no longer be in transition.

we plan to arrive in guelph on wednesday. hopefully everything goes well.

for those of you who don't have it, our new number for the time being will be 519-823-2047. drop me a line if you need the address.

love you.

Monday, June 11, 2007

the peg

we have arrived in winnipeg.

and i have been confronted with things like "all the cars in manitoba have immobilizers so now they are going after out of province plates" and "you should just leave all your doors unlocked and take everything out of the car, its better that way." nice. welcome to winnipeg.

the last couple of days have been pretty uneventful. lots of wildlife. more moose. a big black bear near our campsite. two deer. riding mountain was great for animals. except the bear. i did not sleep so good our last night there.

we packed up yesterday morning and hit the road. got here early afternoon. jennifer made some tasty burgers (yeah for barbeque!). and danny got together with a friend of his (i went to bed early... stupid bear.)

much love from winnipeg.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

lost on the flatlands... who knew it was possible?

when i last updated you we were in edmonton and things have been busy since then.

we left there early on wednesday and headed east.

we stopped at the giant ukrainian egg. very exciting. it turns in the wind. and its really big.

we also stopped in lloydminster and felt like we were in two places at once. (we were.)

on the highway headed out of town we saw a tire come flying off of a big camper trailer. it freaked the hell out of me. i thought at first it was their spare, but their axel was right on the ground. they we not too impressed. but they were glad we stopped to see if they were okay.

we stopped for the night in north of north battleford. it was by far our coldest night so far. we pulled out any extra blankets we could find and were surprisingly well prepared. the next morning we met up with danny's uncle norm and grabbed some coffee. afterwards, on his recommendation, we checked out some of the historical sights. there is a fort there. fort battleford (shocking, i know!) it was actually pretty cool and they fired off a really frigging loud canon. it was rivetting.

we got back to the site and decided to stay another night. and, i have to say, it was nice to stay in one place for more that one night. i had a nap in the afternoon. it was all very stressful.

friday we started out towards riding mountain national park in manitoba. we stopped in yorkton (julia!) and took a picture. it was a long day of driving and we got very lost. i may have blamed danny's stupid, useless road atlas at the time. but it may have actually been my fault. oppsie. we did eventually get here. very late and very tired.

and i almost forgot. danny is gross and got a tick. we had to get it off him and he cried like a baby. it was kind of nasty. but i still love him. mostly. he is also convinced that our campsite is surrounded by poison ivy.

animal update: in sask we saw lots of bunnies and prairie dogs (i'm not allowed to call them gophers). and yesterday we saw four moose, including a mom moose and her two baby moose thngs (what are baby mooses called?).


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

and the heavens opened...

apparently there was a tornado in edmonton today. which does not surprise me at all seeing as while we were driving on the highway (which i find scary enough) i think god smote us. giant heavy rain and hail came down. i thought we were being big babies when we pulled over, until about half of the other people on the road did the same thing.

we eventually made it to danny's cousin's house. they BBQed for us (which we all know i love) and are letting us stay the night (yeah - a real bed!)

before the smoting, we went to drumheller. which was super-cool. we didin't have a whole lot of time. we wanted to go to the dinosaur museum but it didn't happen. but the landscape was so amazing. its like the prairies just opened up and swollowed a bit of itself. on julia's advice we did go see the hoo doos, which we also amazing. thank you again julia - you should be a tour guide or something!

oh. and before i forget i'd like to send a big shout out to Leighann for my cross canada survival kit. the wine came in very handy after an incident on the highway that i wont get into. love you and the food with no nutritional value. the hula girl is hanging on my rear-view mirror.

so tomorrow we are off again. not sure how far we will go, but i'll be sure to report back as soon as i can.

rollin' with my homies!

Monday, June 4, 2007

made it to calgary alive...

it actually rained yesterday. real rain. while i was driving and, i have to tell you, it kind of freaked me out a little bit.

things are mostly really good. there have been a few incidents. i may or may not be a little overly emotional right now. (no, mom, i'm not pregnant!) things are very busy here. there are shpping malls everywhere it feels like. but in between the cities is amazing. i am in awe of our country.

yesterday we drove though jasper and banff. (julia- we asked about a pin, but they did not have any where we stopped and there was a giant visitors centre but we were past it before we realized what it was. sorry.) we actually meant to camp in banff, but there was an incident on the highway and we went right past where we meant to stop. we camped instead in canmore. i have to say it was not quite so exciting. but the bugs were way better than prince george. i felt like we were a buffet there. we were practically being swarmed.

tonight we are staying just northeast of calgary in a tiny town called irricana. its amazing that we've gone from mountains to flat, flat land in about 200 kms. but danny is loving it. a prairie boy at heart he is right at home. also, apparently, the wind is different here. or at least thats what he says.

for me its the smells. the smell of green things. alive. warm. i could just suck it all in.

tomorrow we're off to see the dinosaurs of drumheller(??) and then we're meeting up with a couple of danny's cousins in edmonton. we hope that they plan to feed us bbq (i love bbq!) and let us sleep in their spare room. i am very excited about the prospect of a bed. i love camping and all, but beds are lovely, lovely things.

oh. aminal update. i forgot to mention that we saw foxes. or at least i did. danny as appareantly too busy driving to pay attention. and we have seen another sheep and many more deer. and, lately, lots of cows and horses. sometimes sheep. but not the wild ones we saw in the mountains.

which reminds me. danny decided he would like to learn to milk a bison. not sure how thats going to go, but i fully support his decision. if only because it will be funny.

p.s.-its warm here too!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

hello from prince george.... i think (p.s. its 26 degrees here)

it has been a busy few days.

i think we've travelled about a million kms. but probably just closer to 1,700. and, shockingly, danny drives too slow for me sometimes!!! who knew?

our country is beautiful and i'm loving it. but wishing i could stop and enjoy it more. in the yukon for so long you start to get the feeling that it is the last pristine place in the country... and i can see that really is not the case. we've seen lots of wildlife. i'll try to list it all. bison, sheep, deer, bears and something i think was a dead moose. lovely. today a bear tried to kill himself by running out in front of my car. i think he gave me a frigging heart attack but danny didn't even notice. bastard.

what else?

the hot springs were nice. muncho and stone mountain amazing. danny tried to take us the wrong way down the highway (never let the boy lead !) he also drove away at one point with the bike rack still partially attached to the car (i hope hes still not mad about it because if he is he'll be extra cranky when he reads this!)

i dont have much time left.

love you all. hope you're well and we'll update again as soon as we can but i donbt know when.



Thursday, May 31, 2007

theres a place thats calling me...

goodbye to my yukon friends as we head off to ontario this moring.

thank you for all of the amazing help. we could not have done all this without you - which is why it is so hard for us to leave you.

you have been good friends to us and i hope that our paths will cross again soon.

i had some (hopefully) good news last night (thank you julia!) that there was another job posting at the guelph mercury and i was up bright and early sending in my resume (from the star - i just cant stay away).

to my family in guelph: i will see you soon and i look forward to a lot of warm hugs.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

hide the towel 2: chalykoff vs. skikavich

we had a rematch last night.
rookie chalykoff headed up one team (the best team) and everyone was eager to see how she wuold handle the pressure, but she came through with style.
the game got off to a rough start when stephanie (big cheater) waddell hid the towel out of seeing distance from her team and then couldn't remember where she put it. the round had to be repeated for fairness sake.
overall it was a pretty even game. team skikavich (team stupid) applied dirty, dirty tactics.
and the game came to a screeching halt when eric (crybaby) murphy got a wee little sliver in his hand and cried like a little girl.
we then retired to chez skikavich for snacks.
a good time was had by all.

i have to go pack more now or danny will beat me.


Monday, May 28, 2007

I'm the....I'm the....I'm at the top of the WORLD!!

Dear Blog,
Today Mrs. Slessor insisted I write about my trip this past weekend. So here goes;
We wanted to leave Whitehorse nice and early on Saturday morning in the truck. However the previous night my truck DIED! And I had it towed to the garage, so instead we left a little later in the day in Kelly's car (after Gertie {Kelly's car}got an oil change). The drive up was pretty good, I'd never been to Dawson. We stopped in Braeburn to get a giant cinnamon bun! And continued on our journey. The trip up was pretty uneventful, however we did see two deer on the way. We got to Dawson and checked into our hotel, Bombay Peggy's! Which used to be a Brothel (is that spelled right?) back in the Gold rush days. We ate at this AMAZING restaurant called Antoinette's and it was literally the best meal I've ever had! Then we went to Diamond Tooth Gerites (This is what Kelly's car is named after) where I won and lost about $30. I maintain that I could have walked away with more money but we were playing the $.25 slots and I was feeling really lucky. I would have won a lot more money had we been playing the $1 slots or even some Blackjack! We took in the show at Diamond Tooth Gerties but left during the show because it sucked pretty bad. And went back to the Pub at Bombay Peggy's to watch some live music. The girl singing when we walked in was amazing! But she wasn't playing she was just singing the one song. The girl who was supposed to be singing Chrissy was okay. We stuck around for awhile and had a couple more drinks, then back up to the room, to sleep for the night.
The next day we got up early and went to go see Dredge #4 which isn't much to see and the place where Gold was first discovered in the Yukon which also isn't much to see. And so we started our trip to the TOP OF THE WORLD HIGHWAY. Now you should know that neither Kelly or I had ever been up on THE TOP OF THE WORLD HIGHWAY. While up there Kelly tried to imitate Leo Dicaprio in "Titanic" and say she was the King of the World but it wouldn't make sense so instead it came out like; "I'm the....I'm the...I'M AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD!" Now TOP OF THE WORLD HIGHWAY is the most beautiful drive I have ever been on with some of the most amazing sights. And since there is no way for me to explain what I saw I will stop there and will post pictures as soon as I can.
After the TOP OF THE WORLD HIGHWAY we ended up in Chicken Alaska. Which is a very interesting place. Basically downtown Chicken consists of 4 buildings a souvenir shop a bar a restaurant and outhouses. There are no flushing toilets in Chicken Alaska or telephones. There are 15 permanent residents. We had lunch and then we were on our way. We wanted to make it to Beaver Creek that night to be back in Whitehose for Monday. So we drove like crazy. Once we hit the Alaska highway on the Canadian side the road became .....tricky. I did what I like to call, "creative pothole manouevering". The road stayed like this pretty much until Distruction Bay which is past Beaver Creek. We stayed in Beaver Creek for the night at the Westmark, where our room had no phone or TV. Beaver Creek.....not that interesting, however they do have mini golf until 11 PM. We decided not to partake.
We got up early Sunday to head to Whitehorse. And because of "tricky" road conditions we added about 2 hours EXTRA to our trip home. So now we are home, and there is still no truck (we're waiting to hear from the garage) and that's about it.
So Mrs. Slessor that is my Blog and I'm sticking to it.

Things that happened on the trip
- I had the perfect moment - Harry Chapin playing on the radio, sitting with the love of my life, looking out over the most amazing views on either side of the car on the top of the world highway.
- I came up with the best name for a gorge.....Curious Gorge.
- I ate the best meal I'd ever had.


Friday, May 25, 2007

i am now fully traumatiozeed

so traumatized, in fact, that i can't spell.

i had to take the cat to the airport and - as anyone who has ever driven with a cat before can tell you - it was not pretty.

i fed the poor bastard some gravol-laced tuna this morning (on directions from the vet) and hoped that it would take him to a happy-cat-place with free-flowing catnip and lots of birdies to hunt.

but no.

there were crazy cat screams and - i must tell you - there was also crying. and it was not just the cat. i cried too.

but he is off. my mom is picking him up in toronto tonight. i wish her luck, but hopefully she doesn't need it.

danny and i are both done work today and then were off to do some sightseeing for the weekend. i will report back on the cats (and my moms) safe (hopefully) arrival in guelph.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

hide the towel is awesome!

so yesterday was a big day. not only did echo and i both win in out 'happy, happy shorts pool' but we finally played hide the towel.
i cannot begin to tell you how satisfying my day was.
i have to admit that, although i did want to play hide the towel, i was skeptical about the game's greatness. no more, my friends.
we played in the greenbelt behind julia's house. its still not very green and i'm not sure thers much brush even when it is, but we made do.
here is how hide the towel works:
1. you split into two teams
2. team 1 turns around while a person from team 2 hides a towel (in full view of their teammates)
3. once the towel is hidden, someone from team 1 looks for the towel while someone from team 2 gives hot and cold directions
4. once the towel has been spotted someone yells 'they see the towel' and much running and tagging and hyjinks ensue

the evening was enjoyable and to top it off, ice cream sundaes were had by all.
how can it get any better than that?


...this is a picture of stephanie hiding the towel

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

away to skagway

i had a really great weekend. it was just what i needed. on friday i was thinking of al the things i could get done this weekend and thinking maybe i didn't want to go – but i'm so glad i did.

saturday morning we headed out – juliann and i in one car and jason and the kids in the other. we (juliann) spotted a couple of young black bears along the side of the road so i snapped some pictures (i'll add them to the post later).

when we got to skagway we pretty much headed right for our train departure. leif (who is two) was very excited about the train ride, but once we got on there wasn't so sure anymore. i went to take him out on the platform and he looked like he had changed his mind – but once we got him out there we couldn't get him back in! the 'people train' was apparently a hit!

i should mention that the weather in skagway was amazing. its full-on spring there. it smelled amazing and the trees are budding. i love going to skagway in the spring. i even got a little colour on my face. eat your heart out whitehorse!

we crashed the night at a hotel in skagway and in the morning we did some touring around town. jason and the kids shipped out and juliann and i did some shopping. i was very good and didn't buy anything besides two postcards. i'm pretty sure if i came home with anything danny would have killed me!

jules and i took a hike on a path i didn't even know was there. it was amazing. it ended at a rocky point and the scenery was beautiful. jules took a picture of me and i totally look superimposed. but i promise i was really there.

we climbed onto the rocks and then down to the beach. we lay down on the sand a ways back from the water and i almost fell asleep. its a good thing juliann was paying attention because the tide started coming in and when she sat up it was lapping at our feet and getting closer by the second.

we had planned to camp at dyea - which is right near skagway, but the campground was full. we ended up driving back to canada and camping in tagish. it was really nice - but i was worried for a minute that we drove all that way and it was getting late, that the campground might be full. we found one of the last spots and set up shop. we tried out one of our new wedding-gift tents for the first time and it totally passed the test.

we headed back to town early the next afternnon and (again) juliann spotted two caribou along the side of the road. i snapped a few pictures and they turned out really nice. i gave them to our photographer and i'm hoping i might get my one-and-only front page picture on the paper. we'll see.

peace out and
much love


Friday, May 18, 2007

another rough day

but everyone survived. for the most part. eric seems pretty stressed and i'm leaving in a week (four work days) so theres not much time.

FOUR WORK DAYS! very exciting. i think danny and i are going to try to make it up to dawson city before we leave. we have almost a week off between when we're done work and we actually leave the yukon, so we might as well. plus danny has never made it to dawson. it seems wrong to leave without taking him there.

so we might do the trek up to dawson. take the top of the world highway into AK and down to haines via haines junction. then take the ferry over to skagway and back up to whitehorse. it'll be a journey, but hopefully it'll be fun.


p.s. my mysterious foot ailment seems to have abated

Thursday, May 17, 2007

really not having a good day

i started the day right. a domestic dispute (eric and danny are like girls fighting over the cute boy at school.)

i got to work and some of the programs i've been waiting for have showed up. i was very excited and with only a little bit of swearing i got them installed. i tried to open one of them and the computer informed em that this version of the program will not run with my keyboard. what a frigging totally bizrre error. i tried loading an earlier version of the same program and it told me to go screw myelf again. i told it right back.

also i seem to have developed a mysterious pain in my right foot. no idea where it came from but it really frigging hurts.

so to sum up: i'm cranky, my computer is very nice but nothing works on it, i did not have coffee this morning, i still have nothing to do at work and my foot really hurts.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

another day... another photobooth masterpiece

danny was very productive yesterday. he took back $40-worth of recyclables. and mailed a butt-load more boxes. go team!

we meant to get more packing done last night, but fate had other plans. i had to attend my last big brothers/big sisters board meeting. and danny forgot about a meeting at work. so we fufilled our duties and came home for evening movie-time. we've gotten into the habit of thowing a dvd in the computer every evening around 9 p.m. and chillin' on our fancy air-matress furniture. its totally stylin. i'm trying to convince danny to forego getting couches when we move to ontario and just fill the living room with cozy air-filled fun!

we thought we broke the computer last night trying to get things set up. but we eventually got things rolling and we watched blood diamond. once i got past leo dicaprio's bad south african accent, i liked it. it wasn't a work of atr or anything, but i enjoyed it.

so. we've got some big plans in the works. i'm very excited to announce that the previously-postponed game of hide-the-towel has been scheduled for thursday. julia is taking pity on our floor-sitting asses and having us over for dinner.

then on the weekend, i am headed for skagway. jason, juliannn and the twins are going to take the train to the summit and i'm going with them. then we're going to crash the night in town. on sunday jason is bringing the puffs back here and Jules and i are going to camp the night at Dyea (the place where the chilkoot trail begins) and maybe hike a few hours in. i'm very excited about that - providing we don't get eaten by bears.

peace out.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

bored at work

eric has been taking over more and more of my job every day. which means i'm bored out of my frigging mind. (hence the new blog.... i'd been thinking it would be a good idea anyway) yesterday i sat there playing with a program on the new ocmputer called Photobooth. very fun. i may have taken one or two pictures. i may take one or two more. or maybe 16 or 20.

if you find yourself equally bored, feel free to e-mail me. or anything at all. facebook. anything. please, jesus.

the plan was that i was supposed to be setting the new computer up with all the programs, etc. that will be needed. but there have been issues and we either don't have the programs or we have the wrong ones or we have the right ones but can't install them until the new server is set up - only the new server has to be sent back and apparently Mac does not want to take it. the drama.

love you long time.


Monday, May 14, 2007

garage sale/going away party...

were successes. a lot of fun. and stressful.

we had some friends over the night before the sale and they helped us price. thank frigging god. because i'm pretty sure i might have just curled up and cried if they weren't there.

everyone got up bright and early and helped set up in the yard. we had people there at the stroke of 8. we broke the desk trying to get it out of the house (i should point out that danny may have mentioned that it might happen and i ignored him). but we sold it anyways. i got $10 for it. i was very impressed with myself (and i did point out the flaw to the prospective buyer.) we also sold danny's 'six second abs' to some crazy newfie woman. its mental the things some people will take. traffic kept up pretty steady all day and we even had people knocking on our door as late as 4 pm trying to buy stuff. weirdos. but we made more than $1000, which made me very happy.

our house is barren now. but we're making the best of it. we rented a movie last night and watched it on the computer. we had an air matress set up for my friend jill to crash on for the weekend and watched it in style.

oh. the party. i almost forgot. we showed up to a half dozen people in the yard wearing 'ontario sucks' t-shirts. it was a stroke of genius. me and danny got 'yukon rocks' t-shits. very subtle. we went on a scavenger hunt and hyjincks followed. danny stole my car and i was almost forced to steal it back. in the process i almost stole one of his team members. but i say they deserved it. and the suckers left one of their scavenger items in the car so i stole it. i would also like to point out that although they won, i'm pretty sure that they cheated. to see the face of victory, look here:

nice eh? afterwards there was cake and beer and chillin out. very nice. thanks to all my peeps who had a hand in the planning.
