Saturday, December 8, 2007

I don't get it either - but here we go

I got tagged by my friend Jillian who is a freak and hates balloons and frogs and picks up frozen dog poop with her bare hands. Now, apparently, I have to list seven random things about myself.

1. I have seen Dr. Hook live in concert and I loved it. I was worried he was going to die on stage but he didn't. It would have made a better story if he had though.

2. I once gave my brother a big black jelly dong for his birthday. He liked it.

3. There is a correct way and an incorrect way to put the toilet paper on. It should be under, not over. Sometimes if i go to a place that has it the wrong way - i change it. This includes other peoples homes.

4. I had something written here. But i erased it. It was a really good one (really good). But i feel that some of Danny's friends and family should really get to know me better first. Its killing you inside - isn't it?

5. When i was in grade one i told my teacher that my mom thought she was a bitch. But it was only because my mom did think she was a bitch.

6. I pop my husband's head zits and i like it. If you have zits that need popping - i'll do them too. Unless you're gross (Jillian!)

7. I have a small obsession with leg warmers. I had some when i was a kid and my mom got rid of them when i was at school one day. I have never forgiven her. I often wear them under my pants in the winter. I have found that they are practical and warm as well as making me feel special.

can you picture it?

Friday, December 7, 2007

holy crap

its been so long since i updated that i forgot my own password. i usually rely on the computer to remember it for me but today it told me to screw off. seriously.

there have been many big things going on here. i got a job. that means that i dont want to kill myself most of the time now. Yeah! i was having some serious issues for a while there. i have to say that being out of work sucks giant arseholes.

work is going good. its a little too slow for me sometimes, but i have a feeling once i get a little more into the swing of things and don't need quite as much direction things will pick up. and i like my boss. she is totally blunt and i think some people wpold find it hard to work for her but i have no problem with it. she says if what you've done is great and she says if its crap. but if its crap she just tells you how to fix it and off you go.

danny and i have been shopping around for a mortgage. which is very cool and totally freaky. i really can't wait and i don't want to do it all at once. but i think the cant wait side will win out in the end. or at least i hope it will.

we've been spending a lot of time with the family - which is really great. we often get together at someones house on the weekend and make a big breakfast. and danny is a lot more comfortable now. not that my family would ever make him feel uncomfortable, but i think he really feels at home now. he makes plans with my family without me and i think its really great. i'm so happy everyone kind of clicks.

we are off to winnipeg on the 23rd for a whirlwind visit. we are there for about 2 and a half days and i'm really looking forward to it. we come home on the 26th to do christmas with my mom's family.

danny's sister is talking about coming to visit us on her march break - which has us all excited. and danny could barely contain himself when he found out danny's mom and sister are thinking of coming here next christmas. its good to know we sill be seeing a lot of them.