Friday, March 7, 2008

the second wiper bites the dust

my other windshield wiper went to the big crap-hole in the sky this week. i can hardly wait to throw it in the garbage. but i have to get to the Canadian Tire first, hopefully tomorrow. at least it is on the passenger side this time.

on a positive note - paula pulled the good wiper right off the car today. she claims it was an accident and it slid right off - but i know that saucy little minx is really full of evil (i love you)!

work was long today. my boss is away again and of course that means the crazies came out of the woodwork. a man talked to me today like (i dont think) any person has ever spoken to me. and not in a good way. he was a bad man. a very bad man. and i waas calling to do him a favour. so now i kind of hope we DO have to lien him after all. although he told me quite clearly he really didn't give a crap if we did.