Thursday, May 22, 2008

rollin with my homies

we have company and its been really nice. danny's sister danna is in town for two weeks and is staying with us. we're planning on some camping this weekend and danny and i both have next week off! i am soooooo looking forward to it. actually, danny's holidays start tomorrow. i think him and danna are going to drive down to niagra falls for the day while i'm at work slaving away. i just hope the weather it as it says its going to be - nice. if not we could freeze our little (not so little) butts right off.

Monday, May 5, 2008

the beat goes on

we are slowly getting the house rearranged. it's good but a lot of work. and seeing as i seem to fall asleep at the drop of a hat these days (except at night!) - i'm afraid danny is still doing more than his fair share. but he's being really amazing and trying not to complain even when the hormones seize control of me and i get a wee bit (read: a lot) cranky. thank god he loves me because i swear to god i have a hair trigger. i could be laughing, i could be crying or i could be informing him he is 'doing it wrong' at any given moment.

we had another appointment with the midwife this week. she seemed to think things looked fine, which is obviously good news. though she didn't seem to approve of the fact that we have a dopler at home. apparently we are not properly trained to use it, which of course we already know. but it doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist. just point and shoot, so to speak. good thing we don't really care what she thinks . other than that i actually really liked her. when she took my blood she actually got me in one poke, there was no digging around and only a very small bruise.